Day 28 - Evening

· Ruby's IWK Journey

Written by Thomas

Hi all, we wanted to let you know that Ruby had a good afternoon. We took turns holding her and her oxygen saturation didn't go below 92% (Which is great). She had some really good sleeps and some wiggles too. It has helped morale here.

She is napping in her bed now.

They know from the cath lab that her lungs can do 100% oxygenation so the goal is to keep her saturation above 90% (her heart still shunts blood from right to left, and not all the blood reaches her lungs, lowering the overall number). We will know that she is getting better when she starts peeing more and the edema reduces, so we are hoping for that to happen.

We just have to wait and pray now.

picture picture picture picture picture picture This is Lizzie from two years ago. It showed up in my fb memories and I had to share it. Ruby looks a lot like her sister!